Climate Hiring Playbook!

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time, and as a climate company, your hiring decisions can make a huge impact. That's why we're excited to launch our new Climate Hiring Playbook! It's packed with everything you need to know about finding, attracting, and hiring top climate talent.

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New Year: New ClimateTech Job

In the recruiting world, January is known for career changes! Join us as we review 2021’s trends and highlight some of the future work norms.

New Year: New ClimateTech Job

In the recruiting world, January is known for career changes!

In light of this, we wanted to review 2021’s trends and highlight some of the future work norms to help our community stay ahead of the curve by creating a candidate-centric environment that aids employee retention.

2021 was a year of constant flux and ups and downs. From a seemingly never-ending pandemic to extreme weather patterns and everything in between, we’ve proven time and time again that we’re resilient. However, it’s also evident that life is indeed short and the constant flux has caused people to take a critical look at all things within their control, including their careers.

Here are some of the things we’ve learned from 2021’s workplace:

- Remote is the new normal. The pandemic world has taught us that we’re all capable of being digital nomads. The office is a thing of the past and companies need to adapt to serve this new norm.

- Candidates are in the driver’s seat. Heard of the great resignation? Essentially, employees now have the platform to speak their needs into existence. Companies want to retain their talent and must respond to their employee’s desires. Not only do people want to work on impactful causes, but they also want to feel valued and supported as both an employee and a person.

- People care about the causes they are working on.

Meaningful work is important — this has become increasingly evident as we navigate these difficult times. 9 in 10 professionals would sacrifice 23% of their future earnings for work that is always meaningful.

In response to the pandemic and changing workplace norms, Harvard Business Review outlines the top trends that people will expect in a future workplace:

- DEI will be at the forefront.

86% of employees and 66% of HR directors assert that a diverse workforce will become even more important as roles, skills, and company requirements change over time.

- Remote work isn't going away.

Again, flexible work schedules are essential for candidate acquisition and retention. 88% of workers say that when searching for a new position, they will look for one that offers complete flexibility in their hours and location.

- Upskilling will be necessary.

It’s essential to create a promote internal employee growth. 82% of employees and 62% of HR directors believe that workers will need to hone their current skills or acquire new ones at least once a year in order to maintain a competitive advantage in a global job market.

- It's necessary to re-imagine how productivity is measured.

9-5s are outdated. It isn’t about the hours put in, it’s about the results produced. 86% of employees said they would prefer to work for a company that prioritizes outcomes over output.

Climate People’s clients understand these trends and are working diligently to get ahead of the curve. Not only are these companies rolling out innovative climate solutions, but they’re also prioritizing talent retention and employee satisfaction. Our clients understand happy employees are up to 20% more productive than unhappy employees and work diligently to promote this via their mission and workplace culture.

In 2022, companies plan for the highest raises since the Great Recession. Businesses are expected to bump up pay an average of 2.9% in response to higher salaries for new hires and turnover rates. Alongside the positive work environment the ClimateTech industry breeds, it’s also on a rapid upward growth trajectory.

Venture capital legend John Doerr claims solutions for the climate crisis could be as profitable for the tech industry and its investors as the internet boom with a predicted 25 million jobs.

“This is the largest economic opportunity of the 21st Century,” Doerr told MarketWatch. This drastic boom encapsulates both job security and high-paying salaries for the ClimateTech community.

The time couldn't be more perfect — check out some of our most recent ClimateTech jobs.

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