In this snippet, we will explore the problem of tree inequity, its solutions, and the impact it can have on our cities.
Trees are an essential part of every city's infrastructure. They provide us with cleaner air, cooler temperatures, and promote mental health and wellbeing. However, not every neighborhood has equal access to trees, which can result in disparities in health, income, and quality of life. As we previously discussed in our heat islands snippet, low-income neighborhoods often suffer from higher temperatures due to a lack of tree coverage. In this snippet, we will explore the problem of tree inequity, its solutions, and the impact it can have on our cities.
When we talk about tree equity, we are referring to the access to trees that residents of a neighborhood or city have. Low-income neighborhoods and communities of color often have less tree coverage than wealthier communities. Trees can reduce air pollution, improve mental health, and provide cooling in hot weather. However, not everyone has equal access to these benefits. Tree equity is a concept that aims to ensure that everyone, regardless of their income or race, has access to trees and their benefits.
Since tree coverage is often a reflection of wealth, low-income neighborhoods suffer from a lack of trees. This lack of greenery not only affects the aesthetics of the neighborhood but has a damaging impact on the health of residents. Without trees to absorb the heat, temperatures can rise up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit in urban areas.
This creates what is known as a "heat island" effect.
To address the lack of tree coverage in low-income neighborhoods, we need to advocate for policies that increase urban forests, specifically in areas that lack tree equity. We need to support local and national groups that plant trees. For instance, One Tree Planted, Arbor Day Foundation, and TreePeople all work to address the issue of tree inequity by planting trees in underserved communities. We also need to work with local officials and community organizations to prioritize tree planting initiatives in impacted areas.
Increasing tree equity can improve the health and wellbeing of communities. According to research by the University of Chicago, increased tree cover can reduce asthma rates, heat-related mortality, and crime. It can also have economic benefits. According to the National Recreation and Park Association, investment in parks and recreation can yield up to $140 billion in economic activity and create 1.1 million jobs.
The Tree Equity Score program developed by the American Forest Foundation and The Nature Conservancy is an excellent example of how we can use data to understand and address tree inequity. This program calculates scores based on how much tree canopy and surface temperature align with income, employment, race, age, and health factors in the U.S.
Companies, like EarthDefine, deploy image processing workflows that use AI to extract ground cover information from aerial imagery and other sensors to determine critical areas for tree planting.
We must prioritize tree equity in every city. We can achieve this by supporting local and national organizations that plant trees in underserved areas. We can also work with local officials and community organizations to prioritize tree-planting initiatives in impacted areas. A healthy environment is a right that everyone deserves.
Tree equity is a matter of social justice, environmental health, and economic prosperity. We must advocate for policies that increase urban forests in areas that lack tree equity, support tree planting organizations, and use data to understand and address tree inequity. By putting an effort to improve tree equity in our cities and communities, we can ensure that every person has access to the health, economic, and social benefits that trees provide.
Buildings and urban environments need to be designed and retrofitted to handle extreme heat, ensuring they remain energy-efficient, safe, and comfortable.
Around the world, the impacts of climate change—rising temperatures, shifting patterns of rainfall, more frequent and intense extreme weather, and rising sea levels—are affecting all types of infrastructure, from energy and transport to water, waste, and telecommunications.