Climate Hiring Playbook!

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time, and as a climate company, your hiring decisions can make a huge impact. That's why we're excited to launch our new Climate Hiring Playbook! It's packed with everything you need to know about finding, attracting, and hiring top climate talent.

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Top 5 Climate Job Searching Struggles

This blog aims to guide you through the process of securing a job in the climate industry, highlighting the importance of transferable skills, unveiling the hidden job market, and emphasizing the role of networking. Below we outline to the top 5 climate job seeker struggles + their solutions.

Top 5 Climate Job Searching Struggles

Navigating Climate Job Search Hurdles

Climate change is an eminent issue, and the demand for professionals in the climate sector is rapidly growing. As more companies are taking strides towards sustainability, the opportunities for climate jobs are expanding. From large corporations to innovative start-ups, climate action has become a universal mission. However, transitioning into the climate sector can be challenging without a proper understanding of the landscape, the skills required, and the techniques for job discovery. This blog aims to guide you through the process of securing a job in the climate industry, highlighting the importance of transferable skills, unveiling the hidden job market, and emphasizing the role of networking. Below we outline to the top 5 climate job seeker struggles + their solutions.

1) Decoding the Climate Landscape

Before you can begin your job search, you need to understand what a climate job is. Many people associate climate jobs with small, innovative start-ups that are working on tangible solutions for climate change. However, the reality is much broader. Climate jobs can be found in large corporations that are making positive changes to their environmental policies and practices. It's also possible to transform any job into a climate job by incorporating Project Drawdown's Job Function Action Guides into your work. To help navigate this landscape, familiarize yourself with climate venture capitalists like CTVC, Activate, Breakthrough Energy, Elemental Excelerator, and others. CTVC's list of accelerators, along with learning cohorts such as Terra, OPF, Climatebase, and Climate Vine, can also provide valuable insights and resources.

2) Unraveling Transferable Skills

The climate industry is still relatively new, which means there aren't many professionals with direct experience in this field. However, many companies are still looking for candidates with relevant experience. This is where your transferable skills come into play. You need to show how your skills from other industries can be applied to climate roles. For example, if you've worked as a product manager in a healthcare SaaS company, you could bring skills like managing small teams, adapting to emerging industries, and multi-tasking to a climate start-up. The key is to identify where you can make an impact and align it with your existing skills.

3) The Challenge of Job Discovery

Finding a job in the climate sector isn't as simple as typing "climate job" into a search engine. You need to know where to look and how to structure your search. Consider using resources like Climate Tech List, Green Jobs Board, Climatebase, Climate Draft, and Climate People. For premium LinkedIn members, there's also a green jobs filter that can help narrow down your search. To use it go to the job board and click on “all filters,” then scroll down and select “green jobs.”

4) Unveiling the Hidden Job Market

Many jobs aren't advertised publicly, but are filled through networking. To tap into this hidden job market, you need to be proactive. Start by identifying three climate solutions that interest you, then do a market map for these areas and reach out to relevant companies. Remember, you're not just looking for job postings, but opportunities. Even if a company isn't currently advertising any positions, they may have an opportunity that aligns with your skills.

Just this week we submitted a stellar product manager to one of our clients, they didn’t have the capacity to hire her so we pitched her profile to another company who wasn’t even hiring a product manager position. They saw her profile and now want to have an interview with her because her skillset was too aligned to pass up.

5) Building a Robust Network

Having a strong network is often crucial for landing a job in the climate sector. However, successful networking isn't just about taking - it's about giving as well. Approach networking as a mutually beneficial relationship. Make it enjoyable and fruitful by offering something valuable to the other person, such as insights or connections, while gaining opportunities and advice in return. In the new year we are hosting a networking mini-series with Laurie McGinley on the power of effective networking, you can register here! We also put together a Networking Notion Template so you can keep track of your conversations.

Navigating the climate job market might seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and resources, it can turn into an exciting career opportunity. Understanding the scope of climate jobs, identifying your transferable skills, and using effective job discovery methods are crucial steps towards finding your place in this sector. Remember that the hidden job market is a significant part of the job search, and building a robust network can open doors to many opportunities.

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